10 August 2007

#13 mmm, full stops are yummy

I am going to race through this week's things as much as possible, because it has been a very busy week and I really don't have time to get caught up in tangents and exploration. Sorry.

I have run across delicious before. I hate the full stops. A lot. Not to mention the logic of the name completely escapes me. It probably doesn't have any, it's just one of those quirky things that someone thought was amusing. Ha.

Apart from that, it's one of those things that I can see would be useful, but I don't personally feel inspired to use it right now. I have certainly used other people's bookmarks in the past, and it can be a useful way of sharing information, particularly if one of the people you're sharing information with is a web developer who wants to show you some prototypes.

I gather one of my compadres has set up a delicious account bookmarking some useful sites we need all the time in Asknow, which strikes me as an excellent use of the tool. I plan to bookmark it in my browser, which is where I keep my bookmarks so that I don't have to remember where all the full stops go. Though I do have to back them up so that they don't periodically disappear when TSD upgrades my computer or I switch jobs or something. Hmm. Maybe I should come to terms with the indigestible full stops.

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